Winnie the poohi
Yesterday in the night I tired really hard to stay up all night as there were a lot of server issues. However, before I could know I went to the lulu land. And when I woke up I was finding reasons to why I couldn't stay up and I realized thats coz I forgot to sleep during the day.. I know I know you guys must be chuckling and some might be wondering about my poor brain..

Its just that well I am not used to working on saturday nights and Sunday being the only day when my sis and I are together, we end up having a lot of work. And hence I forgot to sleep :P

11 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    Tee hee! Join me in ur club:D

  2. Voice Says:

    really silly....... :P

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Oh no. Well, I hope get to make up for it.

  4. Thoorika Says:

    Hey cool template!!! really nice one.. i like it very much... !!!!!

  5. Indyeah Says:

    LOL I swear Winnie you are one of a kind!:PP
    you scatterbrain!:))

  6. Anonymous Says:

    You forgot to sleep? Ha..ha..ha you are cute

  7. LOL but I also 'forget' to sleep if in the blogosphere :)

  8. Reflections Says:

    I dunno how u do it Winnie....stay up nights. if I dont get atleast 7 hrs sleep I go crazy.
    And forget to like unimaginable:-o

  9. Pesto Sauce Says:

    Forgot to sleep? I can do without food perhaps but always want my share of sleep

  10. Rambler Says:

    forgot to sleep?..well thats new to me :)

  11. Archy hon you are the president of it didnt you notice? :D :D

    Bhav I know :D

    Agnes indeed i did in office ? ;)

    Thoorika thank you dear :)

    Abhilasha I know! Am prematurely aging * mummmyyyy am still a child!! *

    Solilo.. indeed I did.. I guess I am acreature of habit.. impossibly so for I dont fallow any routine as such!

    IHM Ahh then you are as weird as me!! *hugs*

    Nancy erm.. I was like that once.. in college and all 14 hours a stretch and all.. now hardly its 4 hours and my eyes open.. sadly so :(

    Pesto sauce I cant do without food :D

    Rambler yeah yeah.. I am confirmed weirdo :D