Winnie the poohi
Guys am off to  Mumbai today!! yay!! I know I havent responded on your comments. I have read them.. Shall get back to them once I come back  :) Miss me  :D :D I know I shall miss not blogging! *sigh*

Sometimes, why is hard to know what you want? ah make it always! For some reason the things I want the most.. I dont want later.. Its silly really coz well I have no reason not to.. or may be I do and I don't want to face it? Either way I guess I shall have a long time to ruminate while I am travelling.. 

Ah I am yet to travel by flight.. still travelling by train.. there is something about rail journey that makes me feel like a traveller.. So full of possibilities.. full of adventure.. if only I am open to it..

And I am! 

Though I know its not a joyous occasion.. and yet I have this lingering need to umm to be caught into situations that are hard.. you know what i mean ? I want to be stuck in impossible situations and then know if I am capable of standing upto it.. to not speculate.. but to know..

I am raring for some excitement.. not a nice phase to be in.. for experience says I am going to get into trouble.. 

But what delicious fun it would be.. wudnt it ?

5 Responses
  1. Indyeah Says:

    LOl what a rollercoater of a post Winnie:)
    yeah get into trouble by all means..;)and enjoy!only the safe kind of trouble:)(((hugs))
    and I will miss so much:(

    and when are you coming back?

    enjoy the rail journey too darling Winnie:)


  2. Tall Guy Says:

    You seem to be wanting a lot of things to happen, wonder if there is a reason behind that :)

    Have a good journey to Mumbai. The heat may get you in the day but the nights are warmer.

  3. --xh-- Says:

    have a nice time :)

  4. Reflections Says:

    Yeah I'm missing come back sooon:-))