I have realized that:
I am trying to find a second "me" to befriend. Just when I find someone who seems to me like being closest to being "myself" is when I know I wouldn't find anyone like me for each one is in themselves very unique . And then the very uniqueness I pride myself with becomes a burden
Yeah!! Thats somethin to feel proud about!!! The Unique you!! :)
:) complex !!
its not a burden Winnie..its a gift...the rarest one..:)
for the herd consissts of all who are exactly alike...
what then of an individual?someone who just is?someone like you?
And so darling winnie..you just ARE
a gift to yourself and to others:))
You seem to be going through a lot of emotions gal!! (writing so many posts at one go)
isnt that a good thing to realize?
its called apne hee payr par kuladi maarna.....the uniqueness I mean...I shd know;-P
Ah, Why do you have to always tell the truth? :D
Thoorika.. its a mixed blessing :)
Pratsie.. umm may be.. what do you think? do u agree? :)
Umm abhi.. its a mixed blessing .. sometimes you just want to merge with the crowd
Yogesh.. one of those days I guess :D
@Nancy *hugs* you got my mood exactly :D
@archy what else is there to tell ?