Winnie the poohi
One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries.

This was a prompt on Catchwords.. one has to utilize this quote in someway in their post.. may be write an essay on this quote... and yet.. it somehow reminds me of few of the past memories that I have..

Closet cleaning always has been fun.. long before I had a closet for myself.. I mean since childhood.. My mommy was a hoarder... so every time she cleaned her closet.. it was veritably a treasure hunt.. every scrap of sequin and ribbon.. left over cloth pieces.. bundles of wool that she bought hoping to make sweaters and never found time for.. ah and books and pages and pages of scraps.. forgotten lil note-chits. She would employ us to help her out.. however, we used to be so excited about learning new stuff that.. ah we created a greater mess... Oh and I shouldn't forget jewelery and sarees.. my sis would try every other jewellery.. and I would wrap more than 2-3 sarees at a time! Man was it fun!

I havent rememebered that in a long time... :)

And then as and when I grew up... mostly my closet was overfilled.. if anyone recalls the old videocon washing machine ad where when the kids open the closet the clothes fall.. well my closet was just like that.. If i have any thing thats ruthlessly organized.. its my books closet.. !!

But ofcourse my closet is way better now.. but those days.. looking for a dress meant.. throwing most of the clothes down ** didnt need much effort.. it fell anyways* find the one I wanted and dump the rest back.. again a crazy treasure hunt :D :D

My closet nowadays, is pretty organized and yet.. cleaning them still is a pleasure.. though I am not a 'hoarder' I sure am quite emotional.. every gift wrapping.. and every small note that my friends wrote to me.. a collection of shells from the sea.. and colored pebbles from the river banks.. saved.. umm and my lil purses n key chains.. a collection of them.. and few scraps of favorite quotes.. snatches of lyrics.. forgotten half made poems.. and rants written on papeer blotched with tears..


I have no way of ending this post somehow.. I am dstracted by memories and silly anecdotes :)

So I end it with a request.. do share your stories and opinion on this quote in the comment section :)

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