Oh yes!! After dilly dallying for some time... And after a long struggle wherein I tried to move the blog to my personal hosting account ( free courtesy company :)) and failing due to limitations on the servers... and fiddling around with htacess and failing again.. and then finding a long way out only to stumble at the template level.. and then getting so busy that ( not updating the blogs even) I had to give up...
And then finally after 2 weeks of yes and no.. where I almost gave up moving the blogs to wordpress.. I have finally moved! Yes me too!! YAY!!
Kindly update your blogrolls and also your feeds
Catawampus me:
Song of my life:
Feed: http://mylifeinrhymingwords.wordpress.com/feed/
My unfinished stories :
Feed: http://myrandomattempts.wordpress.com/feed/
Guys, even if you haven't visited the other blogs before.. please visit this once and let me know how it looks pweez!!

WELCOME to the neighbourhood :)
Look forward to seeing you on the other side :)
Wow -- they all look great! How come you decided to move your sites? Just curious.
IHM ITs wonderful to be there...
Agnes, wordpress is cool! You should try it too :)
so you no longer gonna be arnd in blogger?
Umm around yes.. but not updating!
How many thousand blogs do u plan to have :). Over to wordpress now.
I might migrate to sometimes; too lazy to start that though.
Let's see what u have there :).
Ok. I am going there now. Just letting u know. :D
P.S: This page looks awesome. Where do u find such templates on blogspot?
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
beautiful blog !
Love your writing