Winnie the poohi
I have been reading a lot of books recently.. or rather 3 books in 3 days!

Feels like hostel time ! Only my choice of books are different.. The way i read books also changed. Earlier if I ever got to read.. it would be like blitzcrieg... i mean.. i wouldn't bother to stop until the book is finished... It is true even now.. however, now I find myself contemplating on the writer's thoughts.. his ideas.. and finding my own.. I have to tell you this makes me njoy the book.. the story more.. it feels like i have missed loads of subtle nuances in many books now... I wanna unread them and read then again.. unread them becoz.. i wudnt feel the same exitement other wise.....

There are not many books that I put down as unreadable... infact there r only 2 books!!! The first one was " Catch 22" I put it down for like 7 times before I could complete it! I loved the sarcasm in it.. how ever i feel the dose of sarcasm is too much! I now feel.. may be.. i lost the nuances that affected my judgement.. may be.. since i own this book.. i will prolly read it again!

And the second book being collection of short stories of Franz kafka...

I couldn't make head or tail of the first few stories.. Mainly coz what he writes is a bit abstract. What he implies is beautifull than what he writes,... and also coz its ironical... most of his stories are... This ironically reminded me of the fact that i am losing the ability to process abstract.. so i have taken this book as an exercise. I read one story and try to make sense of it!!

If what i have suggested makes u feel like reading the stories.. please try 'hunger artist' and 'metamorphosis' Both are surprisingly so refreshing...
Kafka has taken a bleak view on human frailities.. their suseptibilities.. and it seems so real and yet its absurd...

Hunger artist is a story of an hunger artist from circus who takes proud in eating nothing for 40 days.. and metamorphosis is story of a sales clerk who turns into a gaint insect when he wakes up in the morning :-)

Happy reading!
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